
Répondre aux enjeux ESG

Implementing responsible IT

Preserving future generations


Transforming organizations to meet ESG challenges

Preserve© was born out of our desire to act, to put our skills in IT, management, organizational restructuring, communication, recruitment, transmission… to good use in meeting ESG challenges, for our children, our friends and future generations.

Acting to anticipate tomorrow’s world


We help you implement your responsible IT thanks to our expertise in digital transformation:

  • Innovation & support
  • Application modernization
  • Cloud-hybrid & cybersecurity

Passing on

Enable organizations to understand the strategic stakes and impacts to co-construct the development paths of today and tomorrow.

Preserve© by Kh-Corporate


Co-create innovative solutions tailored to your challenges.

Measure and Steer

To act, you need to know where you stand
Verdikt is the 1st platform for corporate digital responsibility, enabling you to diagnose and manage your IT department and your partners.
It’s the IT solution that responds to the CSRD directive, scope 3 and the ODD.